
With PyTeal, developers can easily write Algorand Smart Contracts (ASC1s) in Python. PyTeal supports both stateless and statefull smart contracts.

Below is an example of writing a basic stateless smart contract that allows a specific receiver to withdraw funds from an account.

# This example is provided for informational purposes only and has not been audited for security.

from pyteal import *

"""Basic Bank"""

def bank_for_account(receiver):
    """Only allow receiver to withdraw funds from this contract account.
        receiver (str): Base 32 Algorand address of the receiver.

    is_payment = Txn.type_enum() == TxnType.Payment
    is_single_tx = Global.group_size() == Int(1)
    is_correct_receiver = Txn.receiver() == Addr(receiver)
    no_close_out_addr = Txn.close_remainder_to() == Global.zero_address()
    no_rekey_addr = Txn.rekey_to() == Global.zero_address()
    acceptable_fee = Txn.fee() <= Int(1000)

    return And(

if __name__ == "__main__":
    program = bank_for_account("ZZAF5ARA4MEC5PVDOP64JM5O5MQST63Q2KOY2FLYFLXXD3PFSNJJBYAFZM")
    print(compileTeal(program, mode=Mode.Signature, version=3))

As shown in this exmaple, the logic of smart contract is expressed using PyTeal expressions constructed in Python. PyTeal overloads Python’s arithmetic operators such as < and == (more overloaded operators can be found in Arithmetic Operations), allowing Python developers express smart contract logic more naturally.

Lastly, compileTeal is called to convert an PyTeal expression to a TEAL program, consisting of a sequence of TEAL opcodes. The output of the above example is:

#pragma version 3
txn TypeEnum
int pay
global GroupSize
int 1
txn Receiver
txn CloseRemainderTo
global ZeroAddress
txn RekeyTo
global ZeroAddress
txn Fee
int 1000